Cloud County Community College is committed to providing equal access to students with documented disabilities through reasonable accommodations and services based on individual need. Postsecondary accommodations require student self-advocacy and independence. Disability services are provided by the Director of Student Accessibility and Mental Health Services on the Concordia campus.
Contact Information:
Aubrey Anderson, LCMFT
Cloud County Community College
2221 Campus Drive, PO Box 1002
Concordia, KS 66901
Fax: 785.243.9390
785.243.1435 ext. 261
While federal law does not allow for the alteration of course requirements, students can receive reasonable accommodations including academic adjustments and auxiliary aids. Academic adjustments are accommodations such as lengthened time to complete tests or testing in a reduced distraction environment. Auxiliary aids are accommodations such as tape recorders, magnifying glasses, lift keys or special seating. These accommodations are only made available to students who have completed the following required steps.
Students wishing to receive accommodations must complete the Request for Accommodations form and provide appropriate disability documentation to the Director of Student Accessibility.
Attn: Accessibility Services
Cloud County Community College
2221 Campus Drive
P.O. Box 1002
Concordia, KS 66901
Types of documentation include:
If a student does not have current documentation, then they must have the disability diagnosis made by a licensed professional in the field directly related to the disability. The college is not able to provide testing or diagnosis of a disability, and the college is not responsible for the fees associated with the diagnosis of the disability. Access the Disability Verification Form above.
After submitting the completed request form and submitting the documentation, the Director of Student Accessibility Services will determine if the documentation is adequate both to establish the existence of qualifying disability and to support the requested accommodations.
Accommodation letters are developed after the determination of reasonable accommodations. Students must request accommodations each semester and requests should be made as far in advance as possible.
Students are responsible for providing a copy of the accommodation letter to their instructors. Once an instructor receives an accommodation letter, the student has the right to ask the instructor for any accommodation(s) listed in the letter. Accommodations are not retroactive.
Students must notify the Director of Student Accessibility Services of any schedule changes.
The United States Department of Education has available an informative publication for students with disabilities who are transitioning into post-secondary education. The publication is entitled Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities. The Publication is available to view or order online at
Guide to Receiving Accommodations
Request for Accommodations Form
Assistance Animal Policy and Agreement
Request for Assistance Animal Accommodations Form
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Copyright 2019, Cloud County Community College
2221 Campus Drive
Concordia, KS 66901
631 Caroline Ave.
Junction City, KS 66441