Career services are available to both college students and members of the community. Most of the services are free of charge. Contact staff to schedule an appointment. Hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Do you have a job that you would like to list on CCCC’s Job Vacancy Bulletin? The posting is free of charge and is available to both students and community.
Available to all interested job seekers and employers free of charge. Contact the Career Center for details.
Cooperative Education internships are available to develop and enhance skills and employability. These require meeting course prerequisites. Class is offered for 1,2, or 3 credit hours. Inquire with Career Center staff.
All of the information needed to walk a job candidate through the job search is organized in our handbook and is available free of charge whether you wish to use our services or not.
Specialized classes and training are offered to assist in developing techniques to better prepare for a job search. Information on applying and interviewing is covered to improve employment opportunities in the competitive job market. Mock interviews can be scheduled.
Several tests are available to assist career decision making by exploring interests, aptitudes, values, and lifestyle choices. One-on-one counseling is available by appointment for career planning.
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2221 Campus Drive
Concordia, KS 66901
631 Caroline Ave.
Junction City, KS 66441