Transfer programs are designed for students planning to transfer to a four year college in order to enter a profession requiring a Bachelor's degree.
The earlier a student identifies a transfer institution, the easier it will be to align a Cloud County program of study to fit the transfer institution's requirements.
Cloud County has many Articulation Agreements with four year colleges in certain programs for a seamless transition from Cloud County to the transfer institution. If none of those Articulation Agreements match your educational goals, the Kansas Public Colleges and Universities Transfer Agreement and Articulation Guide will help you to meet the requirements necessary to graduate from Cloud County and then transfer successfully to the public universities in Kansas.
Students planning to transfer to an institution outside of Kansas should identify the transfer institution early and work with that school's guidelines to ensure a smooth transfer. Cloud County's academic advisors can assist students in that process.
Kansas Public Community Colleges - Kansas Public Universities
A student who completes an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree based on a baccalaureate oriented sequence at a state and regionally accredited Kansas public community college, and whose program of study has met the requirements of the Kansas Public Community College-Kansas Public University Transfer Agreement and Articulation Guide, will be accepted with junior standing and will have satisfied the general education requirements of all Kansas public universities.
There is a growing list of courses approved by the Kansas Board of Regents for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas public postsecondary institutions. Visit for more information.
Articulation Agreements
Transfer University Websites
Transfer Scholarships
Students who transfer to a Kansas public university from a Kansas public community college or technical college (or vice versa) are eligible for Reverse Transfer, which allows for the attainment of any associate degree for which one is eligible along the way to additional certificates and degrees. Systemwide Reverse Transfer Information can be found here.
Students seeking a degree or certificate from Cloud County must request official transcripts from all previously attended secondary and post-secondary institutions be sent directly to the Admissions Office, 2221 Campus Drive, Concordia, KS 66901. Students enrolling at the Geary County Campus should have their transcripts sent to the Geary County Campus, 631 Caroline Ave., Junction City, KS, 66441.
Transfer credits from regionally accredited institutions of higher education are accepted as they apply to degree programs. Credits from institutions without regional accreditation will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
For more information on how Cloud County transfers in Alternative Credit, see Institutional Policy D6 Procedures.
For more information on Course Transfer and Program Articulation, see Institutional Policy D23 Procedures.
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Copyright 2019, Cloud County Community College
2221 Campus Drive
Concordia, KS 66901
631 Caroline Ave.
Junction City, KS 66441