TRIO is a federally funded grant program that helps traditionally underrepresented students graduate from Cloud and transfer to a 4-year institution.
If you can answer YES to any of the below questions, you may qualify to be part of TRIO!
If you were able to answer yes, then you are one step closer to becoming a member of TRIO. The last question is - are you a US citizen or are you a legal permanent resident? If yes, you are officially TRIO eligible!
As a member you are eligible for Academic Assistance, Transfer Assistance, and both on-and-off Campus Referrals. TRIO staff also provides Personal, Career and Financial Aid Counseling as well as Financial Literacy Services, Non-Cognitive Development Workshops, and Cultural/Career Activities. As sophomores, TRIO members will be taken on Campus Visits to various public and private Kansas universities where students have the ability to speak with professors in their degree area. TRIO also helps with the transfer process and tries to make continuing in education as seamless as possible by assisting with applications and scholarship essays.
Want to be part of TRIO?
You can apply online or visit the TRIO office on your campus. (On the Concordia campus, the TRIO office is located in the gray pod, room 209. On the Geary County campus, the TRIO office is located in office C11 in Building C.
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Copyright 2019, Cloud County Community College
2221 Campus Drive
Concordia, KS 66901
631 Caroline Ave.
Junction City, KS 66441