We can't wait for you to become a Cloud County T-Bird!


Becoming a Cloud County Thunderbird is easy! Get started with these steps:

  1. Visit Campus. Call the Office of Admissions to schedule or schedule at the Concordia or Geary County campus online!
  2. Complete our FREE, online Application for Admission.
  3. Submit official high school and/or college transcript(s)
  4. Submit your ACT or SAT scores if you have them. These scores are not required for admission to Cloud.

To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly from the originating institution. Please have official transcripts and test scores sent electronically to admit@cloud.edu or by mail to:

Cloud County Community College
Attn: Office of Admissions
2221 Campus Drive
Concordia, KS 66901


Admissions Contacts:

Concordia Campus
Call: 785.243.1435 ext. 212 Email

Geary County Campus
Call: 785.238.8010 ext. 750 Email

Call: 785.243.1435 ext. 377 Email

Call: 785.243.1435 ext. 373 Email

Cloud County Community College does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment in employment in its services programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, or veteran status.