We're proud to serve those that served. Feel free to visit with one of our Veterans Representatives on either campus for assistance or visit www.va.gov to get started on your VA education benefits. To help facilitate your understanding and compliance, please complete the VA Certification Request Form below. This form must be completed and on file with the Veterans Representative before certification for benefits will be submitted.
Download the VA Certification Request form (to sign electronically: click on the link, then open in desktop app)
For information on Veterans Services, contact:
MacKenzie Cyr | Aleeya Williams |
Financial Aid Specialist | College Access & Support Specialist |
School Certifying Official (SCO) | Geary County Campus |
2221 Campus Drive | 631 Caroline Ave |
Concordia, KS 66901 | Junction City, KS 66441 |
800.729.5101 ext. 282 | 800.729.5101, ext. 714 |
mackenzie.cyr@cloud.edu | a.williams@cloud.edu |
*VA educational benefits may only be used to accomplish educational objectives defined as the completion of a VA approved degree program at your parent institution. The nature of the VA educational assistance program places certain restrictions upon the VA student and the certifying institution.
KanVetKanVet provides direct access to State of Kansas veteran-specific resources and benefits without having to navigate multiple state agency websites. Click on the KanVet logo for more information.
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Copyright 2019, Cloud County Community College
2221 Campus Drive
Concordia, KS 66901
631 Caroline Ave.
Junction City, KS 66441