SAFE T-BIRDS: Say NO to Sexual Assault

KNOW the Facts
One in three women on the planet is raped or beaten in her lifetime, adding up to one billion women violated, according to One Billion Rising. The CCCC community including employees, students and community members are working to maintains safe environment for study and work. This includes awareness and prevention of sexual assault or misconduct. All members of the CCCC community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted recently or is dealing with the long-term effects of sexual abuse, there are many helpful resources available throughout the North Central Kansas Region.

Sexual Violence Includes
There are many types of sexual violence and ways for individuals to be victimized. If you experience or are aware of any of the following violent acts, this site provides additional information to assist the victims and observers to seek assistance immediately.

* Sexual Violence - Often this term is used interchangeably with rape depending on the federal state and federal laws.
* Rape - In about 8 out of 10 rapes, no weapon is used other than physical force. Anyone may be a victim of rape: women, men or children, straight or gay.
* Acquaintance Rape - Assault by an acquaintance involves coercive sexual activities by someone that the victim knows. It occurs against a person's will by means of force, duress, violence or fear of bodily injury.
* Child Sexual Abuse - Often a means of child sexual abuse occurs by an acquaintance or relative through incest.
* Dating and Domestic Violence - The issues of power and control are often at the center of dating and family violence. It occurs in all socio-economic, educational, racial, and age groups.
* Drug Facilitated Sexual Violence - This form of violence is used to compromise the individual's ability to consent prevent the sexual act from occurring. Drugs and alcohol are used to prevent the victim from protecting themselves.
* Hate Crimes - Victims of hate crimes are usually based on a dislike of another's race, religion, national origin, ethnic identification, gender, or sexual orientation.
* Incest - This crime occurs between closely related individuals such as parents and children, uncles/aunts and nieces/nephews, etc.
* Male Sexual Violence - Men and boys are also the victims of the crimes of sexual violence, sexual abuse, and rape. In fact, in the U.S., over 10% of all victims are male.
* Partner Rape or Domestic Violence - This violent sexual acts is committed without a person's consent and/or against a person's will. The perpetrator is the individual's current partner (married or not), previous partner, or co-perpetrator.
* Sexual Exploitation by Helping Professionals - This act involves sexual contact without consent by a person of trust such as helping professional and a victim. These individual perpetrators could be the victims' doctor, therapist, teacher, priest, professor, police officer, lawyer, etc. — and a client/patient.
* Sexual Harassment - Unwelcome advances for sexual favors by verbal or physical conduct that affects an victim's work or school performance are considered sexual harassment.
* Stalking Victims that have been unaware of being followed for the purpose of a physical or sexual assault often have life altering experiences.
* Stranger Rape - 3 major categories include Blitz Sexual Assault by rapidly assaulting the victim with no prior contact. Contact Sexual Assault is done by the suspect trying to gain the trust of their victim by luring them out of areas where they can seek help. Home Invasion Sexual Assault when a stranger breaks and enters a victims home.

What to Do If Sexually Assaulted

Get to a safe place for your protection.
Get medical attention immediately.
The primary purpose of medical examination is to check for physical injury, the presence of sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy as a result of the assault. The secondary purpose of the medical examination is to aid in the police investigation and legal proceedings.
Don't bathe or douche.
Bathing or douching might be the first thing you wan to do. This would literally be washing away valuable evidence. Wait until you have a medical examination.
Save your clothing.
It is all right to change clothes, but save what you were wearing. Place each item of clothing in a separate paper bag and save for the police. Your clothing could be sued as evidence for prosecution.
Report the incident to the police.
It is up to you, but reporting is not the same thing as prosecution. Prosecution can be determined later.
Contact your victim support resources.
If you are a victim of a sexual assault, please secure medical attention and supporting agencies even if you decided not to contact the police.
Talk to a professional counselor
to get the emotional help that you need due to the trauma. Many sexual assault cases go unreported because the victim fears retaliation or possible humiliation if word gets around she/he has been the victim of a sex offense. Victims tend to feel guilty as though they did something to bring it on themselves and often keep the incident to themselves or share some of the incident with a close friend. While this might be helpful in the immediate sense, we encourage you to talk to a knowledgeable counselor about your reactions to being victimized. The services that are provided both on and off campus are available to all victims of violent acts and are designed to assist in overcoming the trauma of the attack.

Decide NO and Take Action NOW

You have a right to be safe. Seek out the following resources if you or someone you know has and been sexually assaulted.
* Tell your friends or parents
* Tell a college administrator or contact the local police
* Contact the VP for Student Affairs and Advancement if you are a student
* Contact Human Resources if you are an employee

Be an Active Bystander if Someone You KNOW is Being Sexually Abused

* Help the victim by encouraging them to get help and that you will help them.
* Safely intervene to point out unacceptable behavior.
* Ask a college official for help. You can make a positive difference in someone's life.
* Encourage the victim to contact counselors for emotional assistance and guidance.
* Encourage the  victim to go to the police for safety and help.

The SAFE T-BIRDS program is Cloud County Community College's prevention and education efforts to help stop relationship violence in support of title IX, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, the SaVE Act and Clery Act.