SAFE T-BIRDS: Help Stop Dating and Domestic Violence

KNOW the Facts About Dating Violence

* shows abusive, controlling or aggressive behavior.
* displays verbal, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
* monitors your activities and demands explanations for your whereabouts.
* shows extreme jealousy and controls your relationships with others.
* belittles you by criticizing you while alone or in front of others.
* controls the relationship by making decisions for you.
* shows disrespect by not listening or displays lack of interest when you talk.
* physically threatens or hurts you.

KNOW the Statistics

*43% of dating college women report experiencing abusive dating behaviors including physical, sexual, tech, verbal or controlling abuse.
* 29% or one out of three college women say they have been in an abusive dating relationship.
* 57% of college students who report experiencing dating violence said it occurred in college.
* 58% said they do not know how to help someone who is a victim of dating abuse
* 38% of college students say they don’t know how to get help for themselves if they were a victim of dating violence

Say NO to:

Controlling Behaviors

* Not letting you hang out with friends
* Checking often to find out where you are, who you are with and what you are doing
* Telling you what to wear
* Needing to be with you all the time
* Checking your phone or Facebook

Verbal or Emotional Abuse

* Calling you names
* Jealousy
* Belittling you–cutting you down
* Threatening to hurt you, someone in your family or himself/herself if you don’t do what he or she wants.

Physical Abuse
* Shoving
* Punching
* Slapping
* Pinching
* Kicking
* Hair Pulling
* Strangling

Get Help NOW-If you or someone you KNOW is a victim of Dating Violence
You have a right to be safe. Communicate your concerns to a friend or parent.

* In an emergency situation, dial 911 to contact local police
* Tell a Counselor or College Administrator
* For students - contact the VP for Student Affairs and Advancement, ext. 319
* Talk to a reliable friend who can help you with the next steps to report and seek assistance

Tips for Ending an Abusive Dating Relationship

* Create a safety plan, like where you can go if you are in danger.
* Make sure you have a working cell phone handy in case you need to call for help.
* Create a secret code with people you trust. That way, if you are with your partner, you can get help without having to say you need help.
* If you're breaking up with someone you see at your high school or college, you can get help from a guidance counselor, advisor, teacher, school nurse, dean's office, or principal. You also might be able to change your class schedules or even transfer to another school.
* If you have a job, talk to someone you trust at work. Your human resources department or employee assistance program (EAP) may be able to help.
* Try to avoid walking or riding alone.
* Be smart about technology. Don't share your passwords. Don't post your schedule on Facebook, and keep your settings private.
* If you are ending a long-term or live-in dating relationship, you may want to read our section on domestic and intimate partner violence.

Information Provided By

* The National Center for Victims of Crime-Advice, support and information for victims of crime.
* Love is Respect-National Youth Advisory Board providing support and guidance by text, phone or online chat.
* Women's information for women of all ages.


The SAFE T-BIRDS program is Cloud County Community College's prevention and education efforts to help stop relationship violence in support of title IX, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, the SaVE Act and Clery Act.