Bullies and Bystanders: What Teens Say - Pacer 1 from besmartbewell.com on Vimeo.


Bullying is a widespread and serious problem that can happen anywhere. It is not a developmental phase an individual has to go through, it is not "just messing around", and it is not something to grow out of. Bullying can cause serious and lasting harm.

Bullying Involves
* Imbalance of Power - people who bully use their power to control or harm and the people being bullied.
* Intent to Cause Harm - actions done by accident are not bullying, the person bullying has a goal to cause harm.
* Repetition - incidents of bullying happen to the same the person over and over by the same person or group.

Who is a Bully?
Anyone can be a bully by using the following techniques to intimidate, embarrass, belittle or harass someone.

* Verbal - name-calling, hassling someone, spreading rumors or making degrading comments
* Social - spreading rumors, leaving people out on purpose, interfering negatively on other relationships
* Physical - hitting, punching, shoving or by using threatening looks or gestures
* Cyber bullying - using the Internet, mobile phones or other digital technologies to harm others

When bullying becomes physical or sexual and causes harm or damage to property or makes you feel afraid to attend classes,it can be considered to be an assault or harassment.

SAY NO to Being Bullied
If you experience any of the following feelings caused by someone, you may be a victim of bullying.

* Feel angry, sad, lonely, or depressed
* Feel like you have no friends.
* Find that you are getting into fights.
* Want to hurt someone else or yourself.
* Feel like taking steps to defend yourself.
* Feel helpless to stop the bullying.
* Feel hopeless that anything can be done.
* Be afraid to go to be on campus, or feel anxious all the time.
* Feel bad about yourself.

Decide NO and Take Action NOW
You have a right to be safe. It is not your fault if a bully continues to pick on you. See out the following resources:

* Talk to your parents and discuss how they can help you be safe.
* Talk to a college administrator, professor, and counselor.
* Contact the CCCC VP for Student Affairs and Advancement or human resources if you are an employee.
*Talk to a reliable friend who can help you.

Be an Active Bystander and Take Action

* Refuse to join in bullying behavior.
* Safely intervene to point out unacceptable behavior to the bully.
* Ask a college official for help. You can make a positive difference in someone's life.
* Tell the victim that you want to help him or her


The SAFE T-BIRDS program is Cloud County Community College's prevention and education efforts to help stop relationship violence in support of title IX, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, the SaVE Act and Clery Act.