HEERF III Information

HEERF III Information


The American Rescue Plan (ARP) was signed in to law on March 11, 2021.  The ARP provides for education stabilization through emergency funding to institutions of higher education through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF III). Institutions accepting ARP funding must commit to providing at least 50% of the funds in the form of financial aid grants to students, which can be used for any component of the student's cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus.



Reports are due quarterly and must be posted on the institution's primary website no later than 10 calendar days after the calendar quarter.

  • January 10, April 10, July 10, October 10
  • HEERF III Exception: Quarterly reporting for HEERF III for the first quarter of 2021 has been extended to the end of the second calendar quarter, June 30, 2021.

Once funds are fully spent, the institution may indicate that this is the institution's final quarterly posting and that it covers all remaining HEERF fund expenditures for that specific HEERF Student Portion of funding. After posting, no more quarterly public reporting of Student Portion funds is required.


Required Reporting Information

  1. An acknowledgement that the institution signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution has used, or intends to use, no less than the required amount of funds received to provide HEERF grants to students: At CCCC, we acknowledge that institutions who received funds under the CARES Act do not need to complete any application or forms to receive their allocation.  Further, we acknowledge that we are using the funds to provide at least $1,530,637 in student grants.
  2. The total amount of HEERF III funds that the institution will receive or has received from the Department: CCCC will receive a total of $3,112,990 in HEERF III funds.  $1,530,637 for the student portion, $1,450,932 for the institution funds and $131,421 for strengthening institutions funds.
  3. The total amount of HEERF III Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students: $770,800 was disbursed to students Fall 2021.

10/31/2022 Voided 28 checks totaling $3600.00 and used it for Lost Revenue.

Updated total disbursed $767,200 to 1513 students.


  1. The total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students: 1541 Students received $770,800 Fall 2021.

10/31/2022 voided 28 checks.  New student total 1513.

  1. The method(s) used by the institution to determine which students receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants and how much they would receive:

To eliminate barriers and provide assistance to as many CCCC students as expeditiously as possible, CCCC administration decided to award HEERF III grants through a block awarding process.  Students with exceptional need will be identified and prioritized.


HEERF III Eligibility Requirements / Criteria


  • No Application required – awarded as block grants based on enrollment status
  • The total amount of $1,530,637 will be made in to two disbursements; one in the Fall 2021 and one in the Spring 2022.
  • May be exclusively enrolled in online classes
  • High school students may be eligible/List of HS students
  • International students may be eligible



The following chart outlines the eligibility factors in awarding the Fall 2021 block grant amounts and the timeline of the disbursement.






7 Awarding categories are as follows:

# of Credit Hours Enrolled

Degree Seeking or High School

EFC Categories

Amount of Award

6 + credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 0 to 6000


6 + credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 6001 to 16,500

$    950.00

6 + credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 16,501 or no or incomplete FAFSA

$    750.00

1 to 5 credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 0 to 6000

$    650.00

1 to 5 credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 6001 to 16,500

$    450.00

1 to 5 credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 16,501 or no or incomplete FAFSA

$    250.00


High School Student

No FAFSA required

$    100.00


October 29, 2021

  • Business Office issued checks or direct deposit to students
  • All students disbursed were e-mail and/or letter included with checks
  • Checks were available until 4:00 pm on 10-29-21 and then were mailed
  • Notification e-mail to all Staff


October 27, 2021

  • Drawdown of funds $765,550.00


November 4, 2021

  • Drawdown of funds $4,500.00


November 30, 2021

  • Drawdown of funds $750.00


Total HEERF III Funds disbursed Fall 21

  • 1541 Students received $770,800


2nd half of HEERF III Funds to be disbursed in the Spring 22 semester in March or April

Using same criteria as for Fall 2021




SP 22 HEERF III Eligibility Requirements / Criteria

  • No application required – award as block grants based on enrollment status
  • Students with exceptional need considered first
  • Students must be Degree Seeking
  • May be exclusively enrolled in online classes
  • HS Students may be eligible
  • International students may be eligible
  • Student who completed total withdrawal after the 20th class day may be eligible
  • Block Awarding with ½ of funds disbursed in the fall and ½ of funds disbursed in the spring based on Enrollment status for each semester with the following awarding categories:


SP 22 / 7 Awarding Categories as follows / Degree Seeking Student’s


# of Credit Hours Enrolled

Degree Seeking or High School

EFC Categories

Amount of Award

6 + credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 0 to 6000


6 + credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 6001 to 16,500

$ 1,100.00

6 + credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 16,501 or no or incomplete FAFSA

$    900.00

1 to 5 credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 0 to 6000

$    800.00

1 to 5 credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 6001 to 16,500

$    600.00

1 to 5 credit hours

Degree Seeking

EFC 16,501 or no or incomplete FAFSA

$    400.00


High School Student

No FAFSA required

$    100.00


The above block awarding would consider funds to the students with exceptional needs first while being able to provide most students with some type of funds.


April 20, 2022

  • When reviewing for SP 22 discovered 2 students from FA 21 students who were not awarded COVID-19 funds and who met the criteria
  • Business Office issued checks to both students
  • Total of $2,300.00


April 20, 2022

  • Drawdown of funds $765,800.00
  • Additional checks in the amount of $5,900.00 were disbursed (FA 21 & SP 22 students)



April 22, 2022

  • Business Office issued checks or direct deposit to students
  • All students disbursed were e-mail and/or letter included with checks
  • Checks were available until 4:00 pm on 04-22-2022 and then were mailed
  • Notification e-mail to all Staff


April 25, 2022

  • Additional checks in the amount of $13,900 were disbursed to students


April 27, 2022

  • Additional checks in the amount of $900 were disbursed to students


June 29, 2022

  • Drawdown of funds $20,700


Total HEERF III Funds disbursed Spring 2022

  • 1328 Students received $786,500.00


10/31/2022 voided checks totaling $4400.00 and used it for Lost Revenue.


Updated total disbursed is $782,100 to 1,304 students.




For additional information regarding HEERF III please contact the Financial Aid Office by emailing finaid@cloud.edu


  1. Any instructions, directions, or guidance provided by the institution to students concerning the Emergency Financial Aid Grants.
    • Instructions, directions, or guidance provided by institution to students concerning the HEERF grants:
    • Emails will be sent to eligible students notifying students of their eligibility and checks will be issued by the end of October 2021
    • Business Office will email High School students of eligibility
    • CCCC Financial Aid and Business Office will have conversations with students as needed
    • Financial Aid Office will e-mail Pell and Non Pell eligible students from PowerFaids.
    • Direct Deposit information e-mailed to Pell and Non Pell eligible students.