EMT Course

This course is the Emergency Medical Technician initial course of instruction required for persons involved in providing emergency care. It will include care of the patient prior to transport, control of the accident scene, preparation for transport, transport and care of the patient while en route to a hospital emergency department, communications, reporting, record keeping, and vehicle care. It will provide the participant with the preparation necessary for testing for certification and practice as an EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN in the State of Kansas.

This Emergency Medical Technician course meets the requirements of the Board of Emergency Medical Services as set forth in the Kansas Administrative Regulations. It will follow the guidelines "Emergency Medical Technician - B", set forth by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a branch of the US Department of Transportation. This course will also address and follow the "Authorized Activities of the EMT", as mandated by the Kansas State Statutes.

Information flyer

Eligible students can use military payments (GI Bill, Tuition Assistance) or financial aid (FAFSA, K.HPOP, DCF, Workforce Development) to help pay for the class. Please visit our Veterans Services page for more information.

All interested persons must register in order to secure a place in the class. Class size is limited. Please call the Cloud County Community College Advising Office at l-800-729-5101or 243-1435 Ext. 275.

Program Learning Outcomes

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