Goals of Advertising
Advertising should be designed and written to attract attention, elicit a positive response, and educate the public in ways that will increase enrollment and support of the college.
Review and Approval by Marketing
The College requires that all advertising (other than classified ads by Human Resources or College Business Office, or Academic Affairs) be reviewed and approved by the Marketing and Public Information Office. Approval is required for display and classified advertising in newspapers and other print publications, and for advertising on radio, television, and other venues. All forms of advertising will be evaluated for accuracy, clarity, correct use of English, quality of design and photography, consistency with college graphic standards and college procedures, and compliance with federal laws. The procedures below cover advertising for print—if planning to do radio or television advertising, consult with the Marketing and Public Information Office.
Logo and Contact Information
These items are required in college ads:
Ads must contain contact information such as department name and phone number, if appropriate. A web address can be used in addition to or instead of a phone number.
Recruitment ads need to have the college logo, Concordia, Geary County, Online & Outreach, as well as the web address and toll free phone number. This information is usually placed at the bottom of the advertisement.
Steps in Creating and Placing Print Advertising:
1. Determine whom you want to reach with your ad, when and where you want it published, and budget necessary for the campaign. For information on the cost of advertising space in local newspapers and radio stations, contact the Marketing and Public Information Office. Do a draft of the ad text and be as concise as possible. Get approval for the ad from your department head.
2. In order to effectively advertise an event, ads must be run at least one week out from the event. Thus, the Marketing and Public Information office needs to be contacted at least two weeks out from the event, if not more, depending on the event, if an effective ad campaign is to be designed and implemented.
3. The Marketing Communications Specialist in the Marketing and Public Information office will work with the department to complete the design and layout for the ad. If the ad is on the radio, work with the Director of Marketing and Public Information for the copy writing, recording, editing and producing process.
4. The Marketing and Public Information office shall review all the ads, and will recommend and oversee changes as necessary, will approve the finished ad, the department running the ad will approve the ad, and the Marketing and Public Information staff will distribute the ad to the newspaper or other publication. No one other than staff of the Marketing office is authorized to contact media outlets to place advertisements.
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Copyright 2019, Cloud County Community College
2221 Campus Drive
Concordia, KS 66901
631 Caroline Ave.
Junction City, KS 66441