How to Transfer from Cloud to another University

Determine which classes/degrees transfer to which schools.

If you plan to transfer, you'll need to know which CCCC degrees and classes will transfer to the school that you are considering. What transfers depends on your major and the school you're transferring to. For details, contact your college advisor or visit with the Career and Transfer staff.

Research Colleges.

  • These sites provide information about colleges and universities  to consider-- CollegeSource Online, Peterson's, and The University of Texas at Austin 
  • Consider factors that influence your choice such as majors offered, location, tuition costs, campus culture, student population, extracurricular activities, housing options and campus jobs.
  • University admission representatives visit CCCC during the year. Stop by their booths in the Commons Lobby from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to ask them questions.
  • Visit with the Advising Center to learn when university representatives will be on campus.

Narrow it down before you graduate from Cloud.

  • Arrange for campus visits to your top transfer college choices. Take a campus tour, meet with representatives or advisors in your major and learn about student life. Explore the town.
  • Check out housing opportunities. On-campus housing may include traditional residence halls, suites, apartments, townhouses and lofts at a reasonable cost. Contact the housing department or check the college's housing department Web page for information. Rental apartments and houses are off-campus options. Rentals may be listed in the classified section of the campus and local newspapers. Contracts for both on- and off-campus living accommodations may be available as early as a year in advance. A deposit is usually required when the contract is signed.
  • Discuss transfer plans with your academic advisor for each school you're considering. Review transfer college requirements and your advisor. Be aware that university requirements are subject to change, so keep checking.
  • Learn how you may be able to earn the CCCC associate of arts or science degree as you complete credits for transfer.

Apply for admission.

  • Begin the admission process as early as a year in advance of transfer by submitting an application along with the application fee to your transfer school. Several schools have online admissions applications.
  • Be aware of admission application deadlines as they may vary by institution. Some majors or professional schools may require an additional application process. Become familiar with those processes and deadlines.
During your final semester at Cloud, request an additional transcript be sent after grades are posted. Contact all colleges you've attended to request transcripts be sent directly to the transfer school. If you have earned fewer than 24 college credits, an official high school transcript may be required. Transcript requests are available at

Seek financial aid and scholarships.

  • Begin the application process for financial aid and scholarships early. The financial aid process takes considerable time from filing the FAFSA to receiving your award letter. Start the process early.
  • Research scholarship opportunities and the application process. Most details are available on the transfer college website or through their Admissions Office.

Read your mail and all communication from your transfer college

  • Correspondence sent to you from your transfer school will include important information in making a successful transition.